Leenane Community Park Project

A long road lays ahead of us but check this page for regular updates

Collected So Far €85,000

All funds collected to June 2023


Latest Update
Gates Opened!

The public got their first taste of our park on October 21, 2023. While the official opening is scheduled for next spring, the local children turned our "unofficial" opening into a joyous celebration. A big shout-out to our skilled engineers and their perfectionist attitudes—their work has brought us to this moment. We owe a special thanks to our partners:

KSG Construction Ltd https://www.ksgconstruction.ie
Langan Consulting Engineers Ltd https://www.langaneng.ie
Mc Graths Limestone (Cong) https://mcgraths.ie
Walsh Plant Hire (Mullaghglass)
Martin The Carpenter (Leenane) http://martinthecarpenter.ie

17th April 2019


The GoFundMe page was launched today

1st December 2019

Fundraising Update

A massive thank you to all of the donations so far received from both individuals and local businesses. Our total now stands at an amazing €8200!

27th December 2020

Leenane Big Dip

Whoa.....thank you to all who braved the elements and turned out for the Inaugural Big Dip. We managed to raise an impressive €820 for the Community Park Project.

8th January 2020

Connemara Walking Festival Donation

The Connemara Mountain Walking festival has been running for the past 10 years. The profits from this event are used for local projects and we are humbled to accept a huge contribution of €10,000.This money is the culmination of many years of dedication from the community.
We wish to thank everyone who has volunteered over the years and to everyone who has attended the event. Your efforts are so gratefully appreciated.

15th January 2020

Fundraising Update WOW!

As part of our fundraising campaign we reached out to the residents of our community. We are overwhelmed by the contributions received and ongoing support. We are truly grateful to you all. We are delighted to say we have raised a total of €29,000 to date.

9th July 2020

Fundraising Update 

So, despite these difficult times that we have all had to endure and despite event postponements that would have helped our cause, we are now at an incredible €37,000, a smidge under 30% of the total required. A huge thank you to each and every one of you who has donated so far... lets keep the wheels rolling!

31st October 2021

Fundraising Update 

With thanks to the many of you who have made a donation and also with a special mention to Neva Goor who, with her "Dip a Day Challenge" raised a mighty sum by diving into the frigid waters of the Atlantic every day for a month, we have reached the amazing milestone of €60,000, nearly half way there!

March 2022

First Grant Awarded!

Awarded a grant of €250,000 under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2021 by the Department of Rural and Community Development

6th August 2022

Sod Turning Ceremony

September 2022

Construction Phase 1 Commenced

October 2023

Construction Phase 1 Complete

October 21st 2023

Gates Opened!

The public got their first taste of our park on October 21, 2023. While the official opening is scheduled for next spring, the local children turned our "unofficial" opening into a joyous celebration. A big shout-out to our skilled engineers and their perfectionist attitudes—their work has brought us to this moment. We owe a special thanks to our partners:


Thank You...

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